13th International ARC Salon Awards Ceremony, MEAM, Barcelona.
In February I had the pleasure of attending the Grand opening and Award Ceremony at the MEAM Museum, Barcelona, to receive my 'Honourable Mention Award,' in person!
My artwork ‘Breathe,’ is part of the 13th International ARC Salon Exhibition, which will consist of 89 Contemporary Realist works selected from over 3,750 entries from 69 countries. The International ARC Salon Competition the most influential and far reaching competition for Contemporary Realism in the world, offering over $100,000 in cash awards and international recognition through partnerships with prestigious magazines, galleries and museums, with live exhibitions and a strong online presence. After its conclusion at the Salmagundi Club in New York City, New York this past October and then at Sotheby’s in Los Angeles, California in December, the 13th International ARC Salon Exhibition is now at the Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) in Barcelona, Spain for its final showing. The ARC Salon will continue to be on display at the MEAM (C/ Barra de Ferro 5 08003 Barcelona, Spain) from February 8th—March 31st, 2019 with the general hours being 11am to 7pm, Tuesday through Sunday.
To learn more, go to https://www.artrenewal.org/13thARCSalon/Home/Exhibition